
do up是什么意思翻译_do up的音标怎么读

do up

修缮 打扮 使整洁,精疲力尽 包扎


At camp, the boys have to do up their own cabins.


If we decide to buy the cottage we'll have to do it up.


She was carrying a parcel of books done up in brown paper.

她提 一个棕色的纸包,里面是书。

1. 修理

The room needs doing up.


2. 使穿上

She was done up in her Sunday best.


3. 使精疲力尽

He was done up after the long trip.


4. 【俚】用毒品; 打一剂(简称do)

do up

修缮 打扮 使整洁,精疲力尽 包扎


At camp, the boys have to do up their own cabins.


If we decide to buy the cottage we'll have to do it up.


She was carrying a parcel of books done up in brown paper.

她提 一个棕色的纸包,里面是书。

1. 修理

The room needs doing up.


2. 使穿上

She was done up in her Sunday best.


3. 使精疲力尽

He was done up after the long trip.


4. 【俚】用毒品; 打一剂(简称do)

do updo up
1.翻译:包扎, 捆Do up these papers and send them to Head Office.把这些文件包好, 送到总公司。The goods are done up in bundles for shipment.货物已打包以备装船。
2.翻译:扣, 系紧You've done your buttons up the wrong way.你把扣子扣错了。Will you do my dress up at the back, please?请替我把衣服背后扣好, 好吗?
3.翻译:整修, 修缮, 修饰Mary was doing up her hat.玛丽在修饰她的帽子。We shall have to do up the house next spring.我们必须在明年春天整修房子。
4.翻译:打扮, 梳理头发Natalie has done herself up for the party.纳塔莉已打扮好准备赴宴。Mabel did her hair up before taking a shower.梅布尔在淋浴前整理了头发。The waitresses are all done up in costumes.女服务生都穿着制服。All the children were done up in their Sunday best.所有的孩子都穿着节日服装。
5.翻译:使累垮, 使极疲劳; 使破产; 使完蛋This formal talk with the manager had done him up.他和经理的这次正式谈话弄得他十分疲劳。The inflation did the corporation up.通货膨胀使这个公司破产了。They were done up after the journey.经过这次旅行他们都筋疲力尽了。

do up
1.翻译:[口语]刷新;修缮,修理,整修,装修,重新装饰:We'll do up your car in no time at all.我们很快就能把你的汽车修好。We did up the old apartment and rented it out.我们修复那套旧公寓房间并把它出租了。
2.翻译:[口语]包扎,捆好,缚;(尤指打包或装箱)使…增色,使…增值:Do the washing up so that I can take it to the laundry.把要洗的衣物捆好,我好把它们拿到洗衣店去。to do up a parcel捆好包裹
3.翻译:把(衣服、纽扣等)系好,扣好;把(鞋带等)系上;拉上(拉链);(衣服)被扣住:to do up the zip拉上拉链to do the top button up扣上衣服最上面的纽扣
4.翻译:[口语](女子)梳理(头发);把(头发)盘起(或向上盘):She did up her hair in a bun.(或She did her hair up in a bun.)她把头发盘在头上。to do up one's hair把头发盘起来;把头发梳理一下
5.翻译:穿戴起来,打扮起来,梳妆:The boys and girls were all done up in costumes.男孩女孩们都穿上了化装服。to be done up in funny costumes穿着奇装异服
6.翻译:使整洁;收拾,整理;打扫:to do the room up把房子收拾一下to do up the kitchen把厨房收拾好
7.翻译:[美国口语]把(衣服)洗净烫平:The laundry did my shirts up.洗衣店把我的衬衫洗烫好了。
8.翻译:使破产;使毁灭;使完蛋;搞垮:to do up one's competitors击败竞争对手to have been done up by…被…毁了
9.翻译:[口语][常用被动语态]使精疲力竭,使疲惫不堪:I can't move any farther; I'm done up.我再也挪不动了,我精疲力竭了。
10.翻译:[美国英语]腌制(食品);把…制成(果酱):to do up blackberries做黑莓果酱

见:do 1: do up

do up

动词 do up:

wrap for decorative purposes

use special care in dressing, making-up, etc.

同义词:doll up, pretty up, glam up